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Nag Panchami – Information and Significance

The Mythology Hidden In Its Scales


Hindu mythology is about as colourful as their festivals, which is saying A LOT. It would be tough to pinpoint as to where these stories originated from having been through passed down through countless centuries. But there are a few stories that resonate the magnitude of the this reptilian symbol like:

  • The thousand-headed shesh nag where Lord Krishna lies between in the passage of time created between old universes and new ones
  • A popular legend is that when Krishna, as a young boy at play, lost his ball in the Yamuna River, He vanquished the serpent Kalia living in the river and saved the people from drinking the poisonous water
  • In the Srimadbhagvadgita, Lord Krishna while narrating tales of his greatness referred to himself as the ruler of the serpents, saying “The supreme amongst serpents, is ‘Anant’, that is me.”